the corporate team prediction contest the corporate team prediction contest

As companies invest in the well-being of their employees by offering relaxation areas, game rooms, tastings, and other perks, have you considered the place of a prediction contest in all of this? Values, soft skills, teamwork, cooperation, fair play—you name it! Organizing a prediction contest can also become a managerial tool to mobilize and unite your teams, regardless of the topic of your contest.

With, organizing this contest is very simple: you contact us and provide the event for which you want to make predictions and any questions you would like to include in the quizzes. We take care of setting up the platform, and you just have to enjoy the benefits of a workplace contest. Motivate your employees, reward those with the highest points earned from correct answers to various questions, and use this moment to reiterate the importance you place on your team's well-being!

If you wish to organize a large prediction contest, you will surely appreciate the benefits of the team ranking feature, which we will present in this article.

How does it work?

The platform includes two types of rankings: the general ranking and the team ranking. Teams can be your company’s departments, or you can opt for teams based on age or country. The choice is yours! What matters is the quality of the predictions, not the number of people in a team. The result does not represent the total of points but the average ratio of correct answers.

What are the benefits?

For large company contests, this also allows your employees to place themselves in a more limited ranking, with people they know and interact with at work. This fosters unity at multiple levels. Thus, you prevent your employees from feeling demotivated and lost in a ranking with too many participants.

For contests organized by brands, open to members of their social media community, this is an excellent way to engage with people who share a common characteristic, such as age, country, or any other criteria. offers you a turnkey prediction platform that is fully customizable to your company’s visual identity. The platform is free for players, with costs (€2 per player) borne by the contest organizer.

On the platform, players can log in, make their predictions, answer quiz questions, and comment on matches with their colleagues using instant messaging, while tracking their position in the general ranking or by team. At the end of the prediction contest, the player with the highest number of points will win a prize that you, as the contest organizer, will choose and provide. Integrating sponsored advertisements or holding prediction contests on any topic is also possible.

Start organizing your sports prediction contest for your brand or company now with the platform and harness the energy generated by sporting competitions.

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Frequently asked questions

What is is a cohesion tool, allowing firms to gather their collaborators on the occasion of major sporting events, such as World Cup or Olympic Games. We offer an interactive forecasting platform, turnkey and customisable to your company’s colours.

What are you doing with our data?

By deciding to use our services, you decide to entrust us a part of your data – this will allow us to optimise your experience. We place great emphasis on the protection of your data, in compliance with current regulations. Given that it is important to be informed on the issues and challenges of personal data protection, provides you with a most complete documentation on this matter.

How much does it cost?

In order to give our clients flexibility, we make a special rate depending on the number of registered players using a degressive system for an important number of participants. This allows firms to organise tailored events, adapted to their capacity. To receive a commercial offer in less than an hour, you only need to fill out the quotation requests form, with just a few clicks.

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